“When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around.”
Willie Nelson.

In looking up the many philosophical quotes on gratitude, I have found Willie Nelson’s simple quote to be the most true for me in my life. The simple act of counting my blessings has opened me up to receive more than I could have imagined.

I have learned that generating a feeling of love and gratitude is the quickest way to access positivity and create change and healing.

I am sharing a technique that I have used many times over the years and I hope you will join me for the next thirty days by making a daily list of 20 reasons you are thankful. This simple act changed my life in ways large and small. It gave me the proof I needed that saying “Thank You” is, indeed, a powerful tool, invoking positive change.

Here it is: For 30 days write down 20 things you are grateful for. No repeats! That’s right, just begin by listing 20 reasons you feel thankful. You can be thankful for your body, you can list your family, your friends, your home, your car, your sense of humor, etc, whatever comes to mind. But remember, no repeats! As you go from day to day you will be challenged to go into more detail on the many blessings in your life.

I will never forget how things began to change for me the first time I did this. I received a promotion at my job, my landlord called and said he was going to paint and carpet my apartment! One thing after another started to go right!

Since that time I have used this technique to make many positive changes. I have shared this with my family, we have made a “Be Thankful” jar and wrote on slips of paper, reminding ourselves of our many blessings. Over the years of making this a practice, I have learned to be thankful even for my struggles as they are making me stronger and wiser.

Today, I am so thankful to have a loving family and wonderful friends, to be healthy and to live in such a beautiful area. I am very grateful to have found yoga and a fulfilling career as a yoga teacher that connects me with amazing people, like all of you!

Join me by listing your many blessing though the month of November and experience for yourself how this simple act can make your life even better!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Sue Anne Parsons, owner of Let It Go Yoga

Please comment on this page and share something you are thankful for.