Happy New Year! I’m very excited to start 2020. I have 5 intentions in mind for the upcoming year, and I chose 5 poses to work on this month that represent each intention. I am ready to work on connecting with myself, staying strong, balanced and flexible as well as relaxing at the start of this busy year. Read my list below and try out the poses or make your own based off of your personal goals for 2025.

Seated Forward Fold – to relax into the new year

Forward fold pose is always a challenge for my tight hamstrings, but I have found that relaxing into the posture really changes my perspective for the better. Forward fold pose calms the brain, improves digestion and stretches the spine and hamstrings. I want to stay relaxed as I enter a new decade and not worry about the struggles that may come up. I think that working on seated forward fold will help me to align my focus and let the stressors fade away.

Spinal twist – to stay flexible

Spinal twist has always been a favorite of mine. It stretches your back muscles and glutes, massages your back and lengthens the spine. I always gravitate towards this pose when I haven’t done yoga in a few days, because it cures all within a moment. I want to stay flexible in 2020, and I think this pose is my key to keeping my body and mind happy.

Extended right angle – to stay strong

Most of the wide legged standing postures work on strengthening the legs and extended right angle pose is no exception. In addition to giving your legs a stretch, it stretches and tones the abs and improves stamina. All of the elements combined into one posture make it a difficult pose to hold for a period of time. Extended right angle is a challenge for me and I want to use the posture to get stronger and work on my endurance on and off the mat.

Tree pose -to keep your balance

When I bring myself into tree pose, I instinctively calm my breathing and focus on one point to hold my balance. Since I’m looking for a balanced lifestyle, tree is the perfect pose to come back and revisit. Tree stretches the thighs, torso, and shoulders, and also tones the ab muscles. I want to work on this posture so that I can bring myself back into a peaceful state while I’m juggling multiple things in my everyday life.

Savasana – to connect with yourself

I love to end a list (and a yoga practice!) with savasana. It’s a great opportunity to tune into how I’m feeling and see if I’m connected to my practice. Savasana relaxes the whole body, calms the mind and improves concentration. I know that even if I’m feeling off balance, not strong enough to hold a pose, not flexible enough or unable to let go, I can shake that off in this posture and truly relax. It’s the perfect pose to do every day in 2020, so let’s get this year started!

Click here for detailed instructions for each pose: Five Poses for 2025

Written by Emily Parsons, Certified Let It Go Yoga teacher.

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