Recently, we were asked if letting go is denying reality? It’s hard to stay positive when so many are suffering physically, emotionally and financially. Isn’t holding on what we need to do to survive? A wise yogi (my husband, actually) once told me that for him, letting go was learning to adapt. If we can adapt, we can thrive. The pandemic taught many of us how to adapt. How to let go of what we once thought was normal and accept the new reality of the present moment; not to dwell on the “what-ifs” or the “could-have-beens” but to go with the flow of the now. This does not mean to forget or deny, but to stay open to what is needed in the moment.

We have had students come to yoga with a variety of injuries, ailments and stressed out emotionally. They tell us they just want their younger, pain free body and the stressless days of their carefree life back. We are asked: “Can yoga give me that?” Well, full disclosure: No!

Yoga cannot give a 50 year old their 20 year old body (or life) back, it cannot heal certain health issues. Yoga cannot make you forget the heartache of losing a loved one or the sadness of a failed relationship. But it can teach you to work around it and, ultimately, learn from it.

What yoga does teach is awareness. When we become aware of our strengths and weaknesses we know what to work on. Only when we are aware of our thoughts, can we begin to change our perspective. Yoga may point out more clearly that you are not your old self but it also holds the space for you to create a new you!

At my age, I’d love to have my 20 year old yoga body back. In my younger days, I thought if I practiced yoga for 30 years that I would be eligible for Cirque du Soleil and all of my life problems would magically dissolve! Ahh, the innocence of youth! That did not happen, in reality, there are poses I have lost the ability to practice and life is a never ending string of challenges. What I have gained is awareness. This has given me the wisdom and an ability to choose to adapt. Yoga has kept me healthy during the different phases of my life. It has helped me work through illnesses and recover from surgery, it helped me raise my children, allowed me to accept the loss of my loved ones. I also realized that I needed to adapt my yoga practice. I now use props and practice gentler poses. I have also used the awareness that yoga has given me to recognize some negative beliefs about myself that have held me back in my life. This realization has helped me become more content and much more accepting of myself and others. My yoga practice helps me to adapt to my changing body and to the changing circumstances in my everyday life.

With adapting in mind, we began offering our Let It Go Yoga class online. We wanted to continue to offer our practice to more people; not only for its physical benefits but for the emotional benefits of acceptance, allowance and expanding awareness. In our Introduction to Let It Go Yoga online course we teach how to adapt the physical poses to your personal needs, we teach how to use yoga philosophy, yoga therapy and emotional release techniques that will help you thrive in this ever changing world.

We hope that our new pricing of “pay what you want” will encourage and help you get you started on your personal journey. In light of these unusual times, we’re offering flexible pricing. No matter which price you choose, you’ll receive access to the entire course.

Wherever you are on your path, begin there and see what shows up.

Sue Anne Parsons 500 EYT, CYT – owner of Let It Go Yoga since 1986

Find out more about the Introduction to Let It Go Yoga Online Course!

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