The last few weeks have been a great time for me to reflect and appreciate everything that I have in my life. I noticed that my previous blog posts have been a great indicator of where my focus and interests are at each month. I love going into great detail on yoga poses that really serve me, and welcoming the difficult poses into my life to give them their time to shine. I want to keep up this tradition and create a chill environment for my yoga practice. I usually unravel my yoga mat in a crowded corner of my apartment while listening to the bustling street below with the lingering scent of dinner in the air. I am not going to fight the environment that I currently practice yoga in, simply add peaceful and fun elements that will make me feel calm and focused. I’m sure my candle and tea budget will go way up.

For this month, I want to focus on the Right Angle pose. This pose is always a welcome part of my Let It Go Yoga practice. It is the perfect amount of shoulder stretching and hip opening. The pose also strengthens the ankles and can be practiced with a strap. I’m opting to chill out every time that I practice this pose, so please join me if you are interested. It will be a calming and relaxing experience once you settle in.
Start on your yoga mat in Savasana. Full inhale and moving on the exhale, take the outside edge of the right foot with the left hand forming a right angle with the leg. The right foot hovers over the left hip or thigh. Flex the right foot as much as possible, keeping the right ankle straight. Relax the right arm and hand. Breathe full and deep. Hold for 2 minutes. Relax and release. Repeat on the other side.
For an additional stretch: Inhale and draw the left arm above your head, stretch from the waist upward toward the longest finger of your hand and from the waist downward toward the foot, creating a stretch in both directions, anchoring the left side down. Full inhale and stretch and exhale bringing the arm back to shoulder height.
Variations: You can use a strap to grasp the foot. The strap can be made into a small hoop and place the hoop over the right foot and grasp the hoop to stretch the left arm in the pose. Bend the left knee and support the right foot at the left knee.
Take the right ankle instead of the foot to create more of a stretch in the left arm, keeping the right foot flexed. If knee pain is present, place a rolled up hand towel in the crease of the knee.
When extending the arm overhead, go as far as your flexibility allows.
Happy stretching!
Emily Parsons, Certified Let It Go Yoga teacher.
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