By the time you’re reading this, you may think it’s too late to practice yoga today. Your schedule is planned and you only have a few free milliseconds between tasks so there is really no point in trying to stretch or practice some poses. Those milliseconds would probably be better utilized by checking your Instagram or not checking your bank account. We’re all very, very busy people and we do not have time to waste, (Unless it involves Netflix). But since I’ve managed to convince myself to stop what I’m doing and practice yoga MORE THAN ONCE this month, I decided to write down all the reasons why I loved my practice and why I should do it more often. I’m also writing these down because no one has congratulated me for convincing myself to get off of my couch and do yoga yet… I’m supposed to get some sort of trophy, right?

This list is here to remind me (And hopefully you!) why to practice yoga as much as possible and the various benefits that one can receive from the poses. If you have any additions to this list, feel free to comment them below!

You like yoga. All the advanced poses make you stronger and all the easy poses make you feel like a goddess.

Your body needs it. Even if it doesn’t seem like it, once you are halfway through a Let It Go practice you’ll discover what part of your body needed it the most. Unless you have tight hamstrings. Then you don’t have to discover it – It will always be your hamstrings.

You have plenty of time. Even if you only have 15 minutes, you can still stretch it out! A sun salutation only takes two minutes. You could easily be sweating in 15.

You’ll feel better. Just think of that Savasana and post-Savasana bliss.

You’ll feel accomplished. Any time I stay in plank pose longer than 15 seconds, I feel like I can add it to the special skills section on my resumé.

You can wear your awesome yoga gear. So many options, so many styles! Some of them are $80+! If you bought an expensive pair, then you definitely need to get some more use out of them. If you found cheaper leggings that are equally as flattering, I would like a link to that website, please.

Want to know more about Let It Go Yoga? Click here to view your free Diaphragmatic Breathing Video!

You can reward yourself with a green smoothie afterwards.
Kale is pretty delicious when you disguise the taste with lots of fruit juice.

You can post a photo on your Instagram story and brag that you practiced today.
This might not be the point of yoga, but it IS the point of Instagram.

You don’t have to think about work for an hour.
And you don’t have to check your email for an hour! Double win!

You will feel rejuvenated. Take a brief break from the craziness out there and you’ll come back feeling refreshed and ready to take on the world.

You will feel happier. I feel happy every time I notice some progress in my strength or flexibility. I also feel happy when I’m done with pigeon pose.

You will feel more balanced. Especially after Tree pose.

You won’t be looking at a screen for a whole hour.
Sorry Siri, I’m busy, check back later!

You can change up your regular routine. If you normally practice in the morning, try winding down at the end of the day with some yoga, or vice versa! See how it changes your mood!

This is one of the many good decisions that you will make today. It will only inspire you to make more good decisions!

What did I miss? Let me know how you motivate yourself to get on the mat.

Contributed by Emily Parsons: Yoga Teacher, Actress, Writer & Comedian in Los Angeles, CA