I haven’t gone to a yoga class since last Monday. I try to take a class or do my own personal practice every week but sometimes more important things come up… Like Netflix. I can tell myself I’ll get around to it, write it in my schedule or wear workout clothes when I go out so that I can convince myself to go to a class, but none of these really work for me. Sometimes weeks go by where I don’t have enough time to squeeze yoga into my schedule. I still want to keep up my practice, and since I’m always on-the-go, I thought I’d try to incorporate some yoga poses while attempting my everyday schedule! It is so much easier for me to get multiple things done at the same time. I made a list of the best poses to attempt while you’re on the go, so take a look and try them out!

1. Instead of eating your meal over the kitchen sink, try bending your knees and sitting in Chair pose. You can pretend you’re eating in a perfectly normal chair while toning those leg muscles.

2. When you’re waiting for the elevator, try to get a quick Sun Salutation in before it arrives at your floor. I always like to close the pose just as the elevator doors are opening. The timing of it really makes you feel in sync with the Universe.

3. Working at a desk? Drop something small, like a pen or your smartphone (The screen only cracks when you drop it unintentionally) and use the time that you would spend ‘searching’ for it under your desk to breathe through a few Cat-Dog poses. Your co-workers will probably just think you’re looking for an outlet anyway.

4. You can use the Lions breath in the car if you feel like you’ve got some road rage coming on. The breath is meant to relieve tension, so while the other driver may see you and be confused, you’ll feel refreshed and at peace with the road.

Want to know more about Let It Go Yoga? Click here to view your free Diaphragmatic Breathing Video!

5. Lotus pose is a great way to relax while you wait for your coffee to cool down to a drinkable temperature. You’ll feel much more awake after you have lengthened your spine and opened up your hips. Just one tip based on my own personal experience: If you choose to hold the coffee in your hand while doing the pose, perhaps go for a cold brew.

6. Spinal twist is a nice alibi for when you’re eavesdropping on a conversation behind you. It’s a great way to keep the spinal muscles mobile and the gossip flowing. And if someone catches you, just say you were getting your yoga practice in.

7. You can always do a yoga squat while you are reorganizing the back of your kitchen cabinets. It opens the hips, groin and — Oh that’s where that small skillet went!

8. Try Standing Half Moon pose next time you’re in the checkout line at the grocery store. You’ll get that side stretch in and no one will be able to cut in front of you. Who knows, maybe the people in front of you will let you go ahead of them, which would get you home devouring the pasta you bought that much quicker.

9. Taking a Savasana while sleeping in your bed counts as multi-tasking in my book. This is the pose I will be most likely to practice. The benefits are just too good!


After trying these all out and getting some weird looks from people at work and at the grocery store, I think I will probably go back to making time for my personal practice. It’ll be a nice thing to look forward to at the end of the day – Plus I can always watch Netflix while I do the poses.

Contributed by Emily Parsons:  Yoga Teacher, Actress, Writer & Comedian in Los Angeles, CA