Meaning, the question is: do I trust that my physical body sends me signals telling me which parts of my body are needing (any and/or more) attention, which ones are in (what we tend to call) pain or feeling strange and “out of sorts”?

Yes. In general, I do. So, if what I feel and trust is real, then imagine how unsettling, startling and fascinating at the same time it was to feel that my own legs (all of a sudden!) are of different lengths! WOW! It’s unreal! WOW! And so real! That is what Let It Go Yoga did to me!

I still remember that very first time when during Let It Go Yoga class at the “one-side-of-the-body-done” moment, my yoga teacher Sue Anne said: “… just pay attention to your legs! And notice… Is there any difference…“ And I did. I paid attention. And I noticed. And I freaked out! (She did not suggest that!) What do you mean … who can explain this… all of a sudden my one leg feels longer, I mean… considerably, noticeably longer… how, why, when, what happened?

Want to know more about Let It Go Yoga? Start here with our Diaphragmatic Breathing Video!

That first bizarre and fantastic experience happened about 18 years ago… And it keeps happening still. I “do one side”. “Doing one side” means going through the first half of the Let It Go Yoga class, in which we focus on one side of the body. And then, as customary, I “freak out”- well… not really, not any more – I look forward to those moments of “one side done” in the class. And it has never failed! Every single time, after we are done with one side and before we start working on the other side of the body, I have felt that my one leg is noticeably longer than the other leg. And then I celebrate! I am aware that yoga in general is supposed to make you aware of what is happening to your body, with your body and in your body (and heart and soul, and often in life, too), but I have to admit that this vivid a physical sensation of a total change in my limb length I have experienced only in my Let It Go Yoga practice.

I am fascinated and thankful that my physical body can feel that way. And that this sensation of the different leg lengths is “an (almost) measurable proof” that the Let It Go Yoga has worked its miracles on my body. I personally need to do the other side as quickly as I can… just to make sure that I can return my both legs to the same length. And then it happens – it feels good to have worked both sides of my body.

So, to answer my own question without any doubt and definitely: yes, I do trust my body. I also trust the story my body is telling me of the beneficial changes that occur during (and as a result of) the Let It Go Yoga class. I trust the process of Let It Go Yoga.


Contributed by Indra Strong, Certified Let It Go Yoga Teacher

Want to know more about Let It Go Yoga? Start here with our Diaphragmatic Breathing Video!