Here’s a great pose that I’d love to focus on: Head to Knee with a Straight Leg. I usually try to do this one as quickly as possible, but I’m learning to slowly adjust my expectations so that I can breathe in the pose longer. I have tight hamstrings, so it’s always a struggle to keep my leg straight up in the air. This simple pose has many benefits. It strengthens the abdominal, improves digestion and helps to relieve back pain. Such a powerful move that deserves more of our time and attention. My plan is to practice this pose daily this July. I usually bend my knee to work on this pose, but after time I will notice my leg feeling more comfortable in the space. If you would like to modify the pose to fit your needs, you can bend the knee or use a strap. The directions are below if you would like to join me!

On the next inhale fill your right leg with air, and as you exhale, engage your stomach muscles using your core to help you lift the leg back up in the air, back up to the ceiling. Take the leg with the two hands, behind the thigh, knee or calf, wherever you can reach, and lift your head up towards your knee. Drop the shoulders down and away from the ears. Chin is tucked, working the thyroid, stomach pulls in engaging the core, pelvic floor is drawn upward, giving you control of your inner strength. Hold for 5 breaths. Full inhale, and on the exhale release the grasp of the hands from the leg, and lower your head back to the floor. Arms out to the side. Keeping the leg extended. Gently lower your leg to the floor. Repeat on the other side.

Emily Parsons, Certified Let It Go Yoga teacher.

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