I have become very mesmerized with focusing on one particular yoga pose each month. It feels very rewarding to go back to the same pose each day and see where I am with it. This month, I chose a pose that I normally hold for about 5 seconds if I’m practicing on my own – The half bound angle pose. I’ve wondered if this pose would ever become a part of my regular morning stretches. I often incorporate other Let It Go Yoga poses into my personal sequences, why not this particularly challenging one? Half bound angle pose opens the hips, releases the lower back and stretches the shoulder, so there’s a lot of good stuff going on all at once. I have found that my perspective on a pose changes over the course of the month, so I’m thinking that I’ll come around to this one in a few weeks. I had great success last month practicing head to knee pose with a straight leg on a regular basis, so my plan of action with this pose is to ease myself into it and focus on counting my breath. If you feel like switching up your yoga routine, feel free to try this one out with me over the next few weeks. Let me know how it goes for you in the comments below! I know this pose can never top Savasana, but I’m hopeful that it will win me over.


Take a full inhale, and on the exhale bring the right foot up and grasp the outside edge of the right foot with the left hand. Now place the right foot on top of the left hip or thigh, coming around the top of the foot with your left hand. Allow the right knee to splay down and away from your face. Hold for 2 minutes. Gently release the leg to the floor. Repeat on the other side.

Use a hoop strap around the foot if you need more room. Adjust the hoop so that you can hold on the hoop and continue to stretch the arm. You can place a folded blanket under the thigh to relax in the hip. A rolled hand towel under the knee helps a lot if knee pain is present.

Emily Parsons, Certified Let It Go Yoga teacher.

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