Finding balance in the midst of constant changes is definitely a challenge. Let It Go Yoga helps to balance the mind and the body. You can take the time to slow down and focus on yourself. You will feel better, centered, and able to balance the many facets of your life.

But have you ever asked yourself what pulls you out of balance? And what you could do or not do to make balance more achievable. This is a good question to ponder. Here are a few tips that have helped me:

1. Find a way to get your news in small doses.

For me, constantly checking the news is so upsetting. It is better for me to find my information in more manageable doses. When I am bombarded by negativity, it knocks me off center and distracts me from the positive aspects of my life.

2. Select TV programs and movies that are uplifting.

With a little research you will find there are many great movies with positive messages that will fulfill and inspire you. Check with your friends for recommendations. Be sure to pass along your favorites. Movies can influence your thoughts, so be sure to select the positive ones.

3. Social media awareness.

I love seeing my Facebook and Instagram friends having fun in life. Photos of family and friends sharing major life events, such as graduations, weddings, and birthdays are a great source of pleasure. But I have to watch that I don’t waste time with articles and stories that can be sources of stress and add unnecessary fear and worry.

4. Food or drink can upset your alignment

Look out for sugar, caffeine, gluten, dairy, alcohol, etc. If you suspect a food or drink is not serving you well, eliminate that food for a few days and see if you start to feel better. Also, pay attention when you add it back to see if your body reacts in any way. Remember to eliminate one food at a time.

5. We need our sleep.

Do you give yourself ample uninterrupted sleep? We all need it. If you have trouble sleeping, try a few of these to see if it helps: Hot baths with Epson Salts, aromatherapy, meditation, deep breathing. All of these can be great ways to lull yourself to sleep.

6. Add more fun and creativity into your daily life. 

The biggest lesson I’ve learned over the pandemic is that dancing, singing, creating art, and daily writing in my journal has been the quickest way to add balance to my life. So much of the fun stuff in life gets placed on the back burner. Bring it out front. You will be surprised how good you will feel.

7. Balance your finances.

Yes, a little thing like this could help you become more balanced in your life. It’s also a reminder that we need need to take care of our financial business. Unpaid bills and delaying correspondence only adds to a big pile of stress. Tackle it and feel better fast.

8. Clean your space.

Ok, this is not new but it works. Cleaning up your messes, clearing out your drawers, going into the cluttered corners, the piles in the garage and storage in the attic, really does change your energy flow. Remember Marie Kondo’s advice, “If it doesn’t add to your life, it doesn’t belong in your life.”

9. Friends or family can knock you off balance.

If you find yourself in a relationship that is not respectful of who you are and not in alignment with your core values, choose yourself and spend less time with those folks. Better yet, express your needs in a loving way so that you can feel good about your interactions. Many times people will give you what you need if you ask.

10. Practice Let It Go Yoga! 

Yoga is all about balance. Yoga means union or, “to yoke.” Hatha yoga is the union or balance of the sun and the moon. The more you come into balance and alignment with yourself, the more life will support you and unfold in positive ways you cannot even imagine!!

Sue Anne Parsons 500 EYT, CYT – owner of Let It Go Yoga since 1986

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