This month, I’m featuring PAVANAMUKTASANA, or knees to chest pose! It’s so relaxing to curl up in a ball and gently rock from side to side. I often end up sneaking this pose into my regular routine, because it is so enjoyable. Knees to chest helps the digestive system and helps eliminate toxins. The pose also releases tension in the lower back, hips and thighs. I look forward to this pose in a Let It Go Yoga sequence or as a simple stretch after a workout. Knees to chest really captures what I’m looking for in a yoga pose – A pleasant stretch that I want to practice again and again.

If you would like to practice knees to chest with me, here is a step-by-step guide:

Take a full breath and on your exhale bring both of your knees to your chest. Grasp the legs with both hands and give yourself a hug! Gently allow your body to rock from side to side, easing out any tension in the lower back. Gently roll your head from side to side, releasing your neck. Setting up with an inhale, on the exhale, lift your head up to your knees and grasp onto to your feet or ankles. Tuck the chin into the chest, hold the stomach in and tighten the root lock. Add resistance by pressing the feet away while holding the pose with the strength of your arms, then let go of resistance and allow the hips to relax bringing you deeper into the pose. Hold for a count of 10. Full inhale and on the exhale, release the head, release the hands.

What’s your go-to yoga pose? Let me know in the comments!

Emily Parsons, Certified Let It Go Yoga teacher.

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