The Universe is not outside of you. Look inside yourself; everything that you want, you already are.

— Rumi

There comes a time when a person may feel the urge to connect in a different way to one’s body, breath and mind. I felt that way in my 50s, so I took some beginners’ yoga classes, and not long after joined the Teacher’s Training Course with Jim and Sue Anne Parsons at Let It Go Yoga

After finishing this exceptional course, I started working at a local senior living facility where I assisted independent and assisted residents for more than five years. Working with my ‘seasoned citizens’ was an extremely rewarding experience. Together we shared our yoga, some meditation and lots of laughs.

In the training course itself, working on my own flexibility and the muscle building poses and flows affected my body with pleasant surprises. Old stiff joints felt lubed and were cranking instead of creaking. My belly’s core strength had increased to the point where I was holding five minute plus planks. In my active sports, I wasn’t getting as sore afterward and felt almost as good as I did in my early 20s. The yogic nurturing had lit up an inner vitality I hadn’t noticed for years. 

Becoming more aware of breath work has led me to spaces of extra calm and peace. Listening to my breath would tell me when to back off or when to extend. There’s a saying that when you go ‘into it’, you become more intuit. For sure, breath work will help take you there.

Today I still align my mind on my yoga mat, and in my everyday life too. It has helped me to slow down, relax more and even notice more. When I wake up in the middle of the night and want to fall back asleep I still use the mantra, “Let” on the in-breath and “Go” on the out-breath. With that focus, I’m usually back dozing within minutes.

Through it all, I have found more enjoyment and wonder in my daily life. My main goal is to keep my mind and this temporary human suit healthy and happy as long as possible. I believe yoga is one of the best ways to do that. Got aches, pains, stress, mind chatter, sleeplessness, work problems? Let it all go with Let It Go Yoga!